Chapter 7

1. Placement of Encryption Function
        Two major approaches(Figure. 7.2) (p. 205)
        a). Link encryption
                Each vulnerable communication link is equipped on both ends with
                encryption device
                I).  Message must be decrypted each time it enters a packet switch
                     to read the address
                     每次switch時都必須解密message以獲得address of destination。
                II). All potential links must use link encryption
                III).Each pair of nodes that share a link should share a unique key
                     每一對pair of nodes都需要一組唯一的key。

        b). End-to-end encryption
                Encryption at the two end systems only.

                        Relieves the concern about the degree of security of networks
                        and links

                        May encrypt only the user data portion of the packet and leave
                        the header in the clear.
                        Traffic pattern is not secure

2. Traffic confidentiallity
        Traffic analysis attack: (p. 210)
        a). Identities of partners
        b). How frequently the partners are communicating
        c). Message pattern, message length, or quantity of messages that
             suggest important information is being exchanged
        d). The events that correlate with special conversations between particular

        Covert channel
        a). A means of communication unintended by the designers of the
            communication facility
            e.g., binary 0: length(message) < some number; otherwise, binary 1

3. Key distribution
        Frequent key changes are desirable to limit the amount of data compromised
        if an attacker learns the key
        Key distribution technique
                The means of delivering a key to two parties without allowing others to
                see the key

                Key distribution from A to B:
                a). A key is selected by A and physically delivered to B

                b). A third party selects the key and physically deliver it to A and B

                c). If A and B have previously and recently used a key, one party
                    can transmit the new key to the other, encrypted by using the old key
                    A用old key加密new key並且傳送給B。

                d). If A and B each has an encrypted connection to a third party C,
                    C can deliver a key on the encrypted links to A and B
                    第三方分別對A、B產生不同的key,加密new key後分別傳送給兩方。

                1 and 2 are awkward for end-to-end encryption.


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