
Chapter 3

1. DES (Data Encryption Standard) (p. 72)
        Encrypted in 64-bit blocks using 56-bit key.
        Considerable controversy over design
        Key size: LUCIFER 128 bits -> DES 56 bits
        S-boxes: design criteria are classified

        DES Encryption:
                Figure 3.7 (p. 74)
                Left-Hand Side(Plaintext side):
                           (1). Initial Permutation (IP): Table 3.2(a) (p. 76)
                                  Rearranges th bits to produce permuted input.

                           (2). 16 Rounds:
                                  Permutation and Substitution with key

                           (3). 32-bit Swap:
                                  swap left and right halves of the output to produce
                                  the preoutput.
                                  將round的64-bits output分成左右各32bits,然後交換

                           (4). Inverse of the Initial Permutation (IP-1): Table 3.2(b)

                Right-Hand Side(Key side):
                           (1). Permuted choice 1: Table 3.4(b) (p. 80)

                           (2). 16 Rounds:
                                  先做左循環位移(left circular shift) (Table 3.4d),
                                  再將結果重新排列(Permuted choice 2)得到Ki。
                                  (Table 3.4c)

                 Single Round of DES Algotithm:
                         Figure 3.8 (p. 77)
                         Left-Hand Side(Plaintext generation):
                                (1). uses two 32-bit L & R halves.

                                (2). L與R的output formula如下:
                                       Li = R(i–1)
                                       Ri = L(i–1) ⊕ F(R(i–1), Ki)

                                (3). Calculation of F(R, k): Figure 3.9 (p. 78)
                                       a). Expansion Permutation(E Table): Table 3.2(c)
                                            利用Expansion Permutation將R從32bits轉成48bits。

                                       b). XOR:

                                       c). Substitution choice(S-box): Table 3.3 (p. 79)
                                            將48-bits分成8個box,每個box為6 to 4 bits
                                            的transfer,利用S-box輸出32bits result。

                                            For single box:
                                                 I). 用input的first及last bits組成一個二進位數,
                                                     依此選擇box's row。
                                                 II).用input中間4 bits選擇box's column。
                                                             for S1, input is 011011
                                                             row = 01 = 1
                                                             column = 1101 = 13
                                                             so, 011011 → S1 → 0101(5)

                                       d). Permutation Fucntion(p): Table 3.2(d)
                                            依表重新排列bits得到F function output。

                         Right-Hand Side(Key generation):
                                (1). Every eighth bit is ignored: Table 3.4a (p. 80)
                                       所有8的倍數的bit都捨棄,產生一組56 bits的key,

                                (2). Permuted choice 1: Table 3.4(b)
                                       將key分解成C(i-1)與D(i-1)兩個部份,各為28 bits

                                (3). Left Cycle Shifts: Table 3.4(d)
                                       依據round number,每次將C與D做不同bits的shift,

                                (4). Permuted choice 2: Table 3.4(c)
                                       將C(i-1)及D(i-1)合併並依表產生一組48 bits的Ki。

                DES Decryption:

2. The Avalanche Effect(雪崩效應) (p. 80)
        Def: A small change in either the plaintext or the key should produce
               a significant change in the ciphertext.

3. Strength of DES – Key Size
        (1). 56-bit keys have 2^56 = 7.2 x 10^16 values.
        (2). brute force search looks hard.

4. Block Cipher Design Principles (p. 86)
        (1). Number of rounds:
                  The greater the number of rounds, the more difficult it is to
                  perform cryptanalysis.
        (2). Design of function F
        (3). S-Box design
        (4). Key schedule

5. Mode of operation
        (1). Electronic Codebook Mode(ECB) (p. 90):
               Figure 3.11 (p. 92)
               The plaintext is handled 64 bits at a time and each block of plaintext
               is encrypted using the same key.

               Ideal for a short amount of data but may not be secure for
               lengthy messages.
               Main use is sending a few blocks of data.

                a). Repetitions in message may show in ciphertext.
                b). Weakness due to encrypted message blocks being independent

        (2). Cipher Block Chaining Mode(CBC) (p. 91):
               The input to the cipher is the XOR of the current plaintext block and
               the preceding ciphertext block; the same key is used for each block.
               每個block的cipher input都是plaintext以及上個block的ciphertext
               Ci = Ek[C(i-1) ⊕ Pi]
               Pi = Dk[Ci] ⊕ C(i-1)

                        Each ciphertext block depends on all message blocks.
                        A change in the message affects all ciphertext blocks after
                        the change as well as the original block

                Initialization vector(IV) is XORed with the first block of plaintext,
                knowns to sender and receiver.
                IV must be protected as well as the key.
                Usually sending IV using ECB encryption.
                At end of message, handle possible last short block.

        (3). Cipher FeedBack Mode(CFB) (p. 94)
               Figure 3.13(p. 95)
               To convert DES into a stream cipher.
               a). 將ciphertext往左位移s bits,然後與K做encrypt。
               b). 選取左邊s個bits與plaintext做XOR運算產生ciphertext。
               c). 將下個block的shift regisiter的content往左位移s bits,接著將得到

                       Using the same scheme, except that the received ciphertext unit
                       is XORed with the output of the encryption function to produce
                       the plaintext unit.

                       a). limitation is need to stall while do block encryption after every
                       b). Bit errors in transmission propogate for several blocks after
                            the error.
        (4). Output FeedBack Mode(OFB) (p. 94)
               Figure 3.14(p. 96)
               Similar in structure to that of CFB, except that the output of the
               encyption functoin that is fed back to the shift register in OFB.
               跟CFB不同之處在於傳入shift register的bits並沒有與plaintext做

               Uses: stream encryption over noisy channels.
               Advantage: the bit errors in transmission do not propagate.
               Message stream modification attack (p. 97):
                       Complementing a bit in the ciphertext complements the
                       corresponding bit in the recovered plaintext.

        (5). Counter Mode(CTR) (p. 97)
               Figure 3.15

                Uses: high-speed network encryptions.
                Limitation: must ensure never reuse key/counter values, otherwise
                                could break.
                        a). Hardware efficiency
                                Can do parallel encryption / decryption on multiple blocks.

                        b). Software efficiency
                                Processors that support parallel features can be effectively
                                utilized for parallel encryption / decryption

                        c). Preprocessing
                                The output of encryption boxes can be calculated in advance.

                        d). Random access
                                Any ith block of plaintext or ciphertext can be processed in
                                random-access fashion.

                        e). Provable security
                                As secure as other modes.

                         f). Simplicity
                                Implements only encryption algorithm, and not the decryption


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