目前分類:電腦與網路安全概論 (9)

瀏覽方式: 標題列表 簡短摘要

Chapter 15

1. PGP Cryptographic Functions(Figure 15.1) (p. 439)
        Confidentiality and authentication
                Figure 15.1(c):

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Chapter 9

1. Public-key cryptology
        Based on Mathematics, rather than Substitution and Permutation.
        Using two keys, rather than only one key.

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Chapter 7

1. Placement of Encryption Function
        Two major approaches(Figure. 7.2) (p. 205)
        a). Link encryption

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Chapter 3

1. DES (Data Encryption Standard) (p. 72)
        Encrypted in 64-bit blocks using 56-bit key.
        Considerable controversy over design

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Chapter 2

Basic Terminology

1. plaintext(明文) - the original message.
2. ciphertext(密文) - the coded message.

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Chapter 1

1. Security Definition(p. 2)
        (1). Computer Security(電腦安全)
                generic name for the collection of tools designed to protect data

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2004    Fall Network Security Midterm Exam

4. [Digital Signature]
        What are the three functions(services)that can be achieved by

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2003    Fall Network Security Midterm Exam

1.[Public-key Cryptosystem]
        Draw the public-key cryptosystem with secrecy and authentication.(10%)
                ans: Fgure 9.4 (p. 265)

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2002    Fall Network Security Midterm Exam

1. [Public-Key Cryptosystem]
        Draw the public-key cryptosystem with secrecy and authentication. (20%)
                ans: Fgure 9.4 (p. 265)

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